Attention Warriors:

    Due to over-shooting his anti-matter Universe coordinates, and now being cut off from Justice Force resources, Captain Justice 001 doesn't have enough fuel to make it all the way back to Earth. Justice Force Command is requesting, if your situation allows for it, make a bitcoin contribution. The bitcoin will be exchanged for quantoons (universal cryptocurrency), which will then be used to purchase the plutonium or other heavy element fuel and unleaded ethynol-free gasoline via the UNiversal Independent Trading (UNIT)network. This will avoid CJ001 having to delay the journey, by stopping at dangerous alien locations to contract odd jobs. It will also enable the vital YOUTH EDUCATION PROGRAM to move forward via the INFORMATION TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. This program will teach kids the good tried-and-true Christian values that they desperately need. It will also teach them to recognize and avoid falsehoods and false values. Although Justice Force Warriors seek no recognition, we ask that when you contribute, please leave some form of contact information so we can recognize you, and send you Justice Force gear from time to time. The Supreme Justice Force Commander and all of us at Justice Force Command sincerly appreciate your efforts regarding this crucial special mission.

- Commander Justice 1